====== Git ====== ---- dataentry service ---- service-urls_urls: https://git.hamburg.ccc.de/ other-service-fqdns: host-fqdn: git.hamburg.ccc.de netbox-link_url: https://netbox.hamburg.ccc.de/virtualization/virtual-machines/46/ server_page: infrastructure:servers:Chaosknoten maintainers: june ccchh-id-integration_yesno: true config-management: nix-infra ---- ===== Description ===== Git server running on Forgejo. ==== SSH Public Key Fingerprints ==== * ssh-ed25519 fingerprint: ''SHA256:YjC9WtAL5wwgAhK6vLEKbkxB5/TKVaAxlWgG7UXgyvc'' * ssh-rsa fingerprint: ''SHA256:mw5OR16hA+bAGSdhnQMTdH3QN1wFFSBFTle4zzRukxE'' ===== Configuration ===== The Forgejo is mostly configured using our nix-infra repo. However some parts need to be configured via the Web UI. This includes: Settings for organizations and users as well as the [[infrastructure:services:keycloak|]] integration. ==== CCCHH ID (Keycloak) Integration ==== For the Keycloak integration we do the usual mapping of client roles into a ''groups'' claim, which then gets read by Forgejo. Forgejo then maps the value of the ''groups'' claim of a user to organization and teams and also uses it to determine whether or not the user should be an administrator. What exactly gets mapped is defined [[https://git.hamburg.ccc.de/admin/auths/1|here]]. Issues: Password login can not be disabled currently (see https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/issues/732), so off-boarded users probably need to be removed from Forgejo manually.