====== zammad ====== ---- dataentry service ---- service-urls_urls : https://zammad.hamburg.ccc.de other-service-fqdns : host-fqdn : zammad-intern netbox-link_url : https://netbox.hamburg.ccc.de/virtualization/virtual-machines/52/ server_page : infrastructure:servers:chaosknoten maintainers : stb ccchh-id-integration_yesno : true ---- ===== Description ===== For Easterhegg or the Junghacker*innentag we offer people to send us email with questions or requests. [[https://zammad.org|Zammad]] allows us to organize these emails in ticket queues and work on them together. ===== Configuration ===== Ansible and Docker Compose. ===== Maintainance ===== ==== Scheduled Tasks ==== * **Delete Closed Tickets Not Touched in 12 Months**: will delete all tickets that are closed and have not been touched in a year. * **Delete Customer Accounts Without Any Tickets**: Start a Data Privacy task for all users that are neither admins nor agents (so they only are customers) that don't have any tickets. **N.B.** this will delete all SSO accounts that have not been upgraded to admin or agent. However, those accounts can be re-created simply by logging in again through Keycloak. ==== Deleting Users ==== Deleting users from Zammad can be difficult; we had problems removing them through the data privacy cleanup job (see https://zammad.hamburg.ccc.de/#system/data_privacy) Instead, you can remove users through the [[https://docs.zammad.org/en/latest/admin/console/dangerzone-for-experts.html|command line]]: # docker exec zammad-docker-compose-zammad-railsserver-1 /docker-entrypoint.sh rails console > user = User.find_by(login: "hans.acker@example.com") => # user.destroy => #