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club:z9:schilder [2025-02-23 17:03 UTC] – [Keyboard Star] stbclub:z9:schilder [2025-02-23 21:21 UTC] (current) – [Lötstation] jamalaka
Line 9: Line 9:
 {{ :club:z9:ccchh-sign-loetstation.jpeg?400 | Sign "Lötstation"}} {{ :club:z9:ccchh-sign-loetstation.jpeg?400 | Sign "Lötstation"}}
-Created ???? for ???? by ????+Created ?2016-2018? for one of the [[item:bausatz-blinkenrocket|blinkenrocket]] workshops at fusion and lunatic by ????
 ===== CCC "Bubbles"  ===== ===== CCC "Bubbles"  =====
Line 34: Line 34:
 {{ :club:z9:ccchh-sign-chaos-computer-circus.jpeg?400 | Sign "Chaos Computer Circus" }} {{ :club:z9:ccchh-sign-chaos-computer-circus.jpeg?400 | Sign "Chaos Computer Circus" }}
-Created ???? for ???? by ????+Created June 2016 for the [[item:bausatz-blinkenrocket|Blinkenrocket]] [[|Lötworkshop]] at the [[|Lunatic Festival]] 3. - 4. Juni 2016 by Lunatic Crew 
 +===== Adele Goldberg Way ===== 
 +{{ :club:z9:ccchh-sign-adele-goldberg-way.jpeg?400 | Sign "Adele Goldberg Way" }} 
 +Created 2023 for the [[|Chaos Communication Camp]] 
 +===== Kaylee Frye Street ===== 
 +{{ :club:z9:ccchh-sign-kaylee-frye-street.jpeg?400 | Sign "Kaylee Frye Street" }} 
 +Created 2023 for the [[|Chaos Communication Camp]]
club/z9/schilder.1740330223.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025-02-23 17:03 UTC by stb

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