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Brother P-Touch E110 Label Printer


Handheld label printer, QWERTZ layout.

Storage location TBD, tape locations TBD. Will edit when determined.

Uses “TZe Tape”, can accept 3.5mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm wide cartridges. Needs 6xAAA batteries.

Third party tape cartridges can be bought for cheap from aliexpress, or for reasonable prices IRL at nearby store tonerdumping (example cartridge).

Waste reduction tip: In the print settings (under “Menu” button) the margins can be changed to “Narrow”, making it use less tape per print. This will make it waste only a couple cms extra per each print (unavoidable due to the location of the print head), keep a scissor close. For mass prints of same text, press Shift+Print to print multiple of the same text without wasting extra tape on each. For serial prints with incrementing numbers, use the rightmost mode button (button with 3 rectangles with 1. 2. 3. in them).

(German translation can be added here if anyone wants to bother with it.)

item/ptouch-e110.1702910963.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-12-18 14:49 UTC by ave

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